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2009-12-08 06:08:59
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blood and vampires

Town Vamp
Made by [Tis gone but never gone]

Welcome to Town Vamp ^vv^

This is a town for vampire and only vampire but something bad has happened the werewolves have moved into the town, now there is a war starting betweem them. They fight every night and day, many vampires and werewolves have died. Could a group of young vampires that are friends with young werewolves stop the fighting? Maybe? Who knows, but they need your help.

Vamps army
Weres army
Young Vamps & Weres rebels

1.No sex on this wiki, please go on Town Vamp R&R room for that but there is a password.Please ask me for it or if I'm not on please just skip time with your characters.
2.No being mean to anyone on this wiki.
3.When you are chanllege to a fight please go on Town Vamp fighting room for that, there is no password for it.
4.Please use proper english, no text talk and don't worry about spelling.
5. You can only have three characters each.
6.If you want to join please send a message to [Tis gone but never gone].

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2009-10-25 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled, "Thanks."

2009-10-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled back, "Your welcome, Max. I'm happy to help. So do you need someone to show you around town?"

2009-10-25 [WASHACKED]: MAx, "Sure."

2009-10-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled, "Great.Ummm let's see. Oh I got it , I show you the main high street. Lots of shops, and cafes and well everything." she turn left across the street. "Come on Max!"

2009-10-25 [WASHACKED]: Max fallowed her

2009-10-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle went down the street with Max, "So why did your father and you want to live here?"

2009-10-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Well the pack was getting moved out by vampires and a lot where killed so dad thoght a new place, but he didnt want to live with humans and this is a close place to my mothers parents."

2009-10-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle, "Wow. So who are your mother's parent? Maybe I know them."

2009-10-25 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Vlad, and Rose of the Silverfang family."

2009-10-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle had to think for a second or two, "Silverfang. I may have heard of them, but am not sure."

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Well my grandfather changed the family name a bit ago that might be why."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded, "Maybe. Look we're here."

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max looked around, "Cool, it's wired how it looks like anormal town but it's not."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded, "Yeah, I know. I've only ever left the town onces and that was to go to New York. My mind was blown away by it all. But I was glad to be back home."

Sarah was walking along the street.

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "I was there once."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle, "It's really big. I got lost once and I had to take control of a human to help me. I know it's bad to use mind control, but I was lost."

Sarah saw Michelle talking to a guy.

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max laughed, "I got lost once in Paris."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle laughed, "Really? How did you do that?"

Sarah saw her kid sister laughing, she tryed to remember the last time she saw Michelle laugh, but she could.

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Well in the catatomes we where well running and I was the runt than so they decided to dich me."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned,"Well that wasn't very nice of them. So what happened next?"

Sarah didn't like the way he was looking at Michelle. So she walked over to them.

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "I sat there, I was only five at the time and soon my dad came."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Awwh, you must have been scared. I would hate that...uh-oh" she saw her sister waking right for her.

Sarah kept walking toher sister.

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max frouned, "What?"

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned," sister."

Sarah walked to her sister and smiled, "Hey sis, who is the new play thing?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Sarah with a rasied eyebrow, "My names Maximus."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle groaned, "Max this is my older sister Sarah Walker."

Sarah looked at the boy and sniffed,"What are you?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Does it matter?"

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shook her head, "Of course not, Max. Right Sarah?"

Sarah,"What matters in this town is that your a vamp. Not a dog. Now what are you?" she sniffed again.

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "You know there Wolves say it with me Wolves." He chukled

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle, "Don't Max."she wispered.

Sarah,"Shell you better watch your new play toy, cause he may get hurt. see ya." she turned and walked away.

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I made her hate me right?"

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed, "It's fine Sarah hates everyone and she takes it out on were's. Come I'll show you around more."

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and fallowed her, "So bad blood?"

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle, "Huh?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: [XD nice pic]
Mx, "Bad blood, like it means you two don't get along."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shook her head, "No we got on, until the were's came to town. She was always picking on me and stuff." she sighed.

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and nodded

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I don't evern know why she hates were's. I wish I knew so I could help her."

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max shrugged, "I can't help you there hating one is hating half of what I am."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded,"So how old are you Max?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "19, what about you?"

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled, "Me too!"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "Cool."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiles,"So are you going to college here or somewhere else?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I was thinking of looking in here but dad wants me to go to Rome."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled more, "Rome, wow! I would love to go. So why Rome?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Theres a really good college there just for werewolfs, well I would be allowed but it's the best there is for wolfs and my father went there and his father and so on."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded, "I understrand. Let me guess you don't want to let down your father, by not going?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Yeah he's done alot for me but I'm takeing the year off to decide."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle, "So your spending your year here? Your crazy Max."

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max shrugged, "Its where dad picked to mave and it doesn't seem that bad."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle, "Wait until night comes, that's when things get really mad out here."

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "I didn't say I was talking about the fight not being so bad."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned, "Then what?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max shrugged and smiled, "Cant say."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned more,"Why?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: Max, "OYur just going to have to guess."

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle, "I'm good at guessing games. Ummmm, the main high street?...Your new house?"

2009-10-26 [WASHACKED]: MAx shook his head

2009-10-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle, "Ummmmm....not getting your ass kick by my sister?...That you get to spened time with your mother's side of the family? And if they aren't it, i give in."

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "Yep those are nos too."

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed and heard the fist bell,"Shit! We have to get out of here now! Come on the town hall is this way" she didn't wait for him to speak she just grab his hand and dragged him to the hall.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Wate, why do we have to leave?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle dragged him to her father's office and closed the doors and looked at him,"Well because that bell means the fight is going to start. We can stay here when we hear the second bell, then we can go." she sat on the leather sofa.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Nax frowned and nodded, "So why do the bells tell you a fight will happen dont they just happen."

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Look th first bell means the fighting between were's and vamp's have started and when the second bell gose the fighting stops. And you also have to be over 21 to fight, and since we are sooo not 21 yet we have to hide."

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Oh."

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded,"Has no one told youand your father the rule and laws of this place yet?" she got up and went to her father's goody cupboard.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded, "You want something to eat or somthing?" she open the cupboard and saw lots of junk food and a mini firge full of bagged blood.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head, "No im faine thanks."

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded and took out a blood bag and looked at Max,"Do you mind? It's just am kinda thrist."

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head, "no its fine."

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded and turned from him and bit the bag fast. When done she turned to him,"Don't worry that wasn' human blood, it was animal blood."She smiled and sat on the sofa again.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "I am part animal."

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle giggled,"Oops, sorry. But that was deer blood. Father keeps that kind of blood for me, cause I've never had human blood before." she shugged.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Oh why dont you drink human?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed,"Well you see, all vamps when they turn 18 they have to go with there parents to a city, and bite a human. And as you know my parents took me to New York and I...." she sighed and frowned.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max frouwned, "Didn;t do it?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle, "Yeah, I just couldn't do it. We stayed there for a week and still I could do it. I know I don't make a very good vamp."she frowned,"You going to stand there for 4 hours or are you going to sit down"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor walks into the city

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah throws a lighting bolt right at a were's head.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor just keeps walking slowly and cautiously

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: After killing that were an she acttked one more. Sarah throw an other lighting bolt.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor lauches himself into the air transforming to flight mode and lighting himself on fire "whats going on here?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah see's this thing but keeps fighting.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor just hangs there moving to avoid peoples ranged attacks

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah got bit back one of the were's and cut off it's head with her lighting sword, "Dumb dog."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor dive bombs sarah not understanding whats going on he gets extremely hot drawing his own battle scared blades.

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah's bite was healing and she was still fighting.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor lifts sarah above the battle and angerly says "now tell me whats going on here"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah looks at the thing,"Put me down now!" she said anerly.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor just flies higher "tell me now Iam not from this area so I have no clue whats going on if my parents saw this they would roll over in there graves"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah throws a lighting bolt at his head, "Put me down now!" she yelled.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: shifts form just as the lightning bolt would strike dropping sarah then returns to bat form flying higher into the sky forcing the flames that would normally coat his body into a giant ball bellow him

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah dose flips in the air and lands softly like a cat.And throws a lighting bolt at a were.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor stops the flames causing a sonic boom then yells "every one stop this nonsense"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah and everyone else dosen't stop fighting.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor tries creating an even larger sonic boom

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah stops fighting and runs and jumps in the air and lands on top of a building and yell at the thing,"That will not work!"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: yells back to her "the fighting must stop we can all live in peace"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Now you sound like my sister!" she yelled back.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: yells "in my village we all lived in peace and even fought together against the humans who tried to remove us some are even still there living happily together vamp and were"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah yells back,"Then your village is crazy!"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor yells at her "no my village saw we have a common enemy"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah yells back,"Well I have a enemy and that's the were's!"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor yells louder "and so you let humanity kill your family?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah yells back,"I will do what needs doing, for my family and people!"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor yells "your people will live longer if you and the were work together"he then lets out a howl that all the were respond to oddly enough and return to there dens

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah looked down and saw everyone is leaving,"Now why did you do that?"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor flies down and lands next to her returning to human form "because the fighting was pointless bloodshed and I couldn't stand for it"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"We would have stop fighting when the second bell rang." she frowned.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "as I said before Iam not from around here I probably pulled rank on the alpha male of the were doing that but I will deal with him later right now Iam talking to you how did you come to this arrangement?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah told him about the war and everything.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "but why not just give the were a sector of the town that was not being used Iam sure they where just trying to escape persecution" devor says with a straight face

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"We tryed that! They want the whole town!"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "maybe you guys could compromise do they have a reason for wanting the town?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah nodded,"Yes, they want this town because of it where it is. And plus they don't want vamp's here."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "well where did they say it was for them?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah frowned,"Huh? What do you mean?"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "what significance dose this land hold for them?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged,"Good hunting land and it's close t the city."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "that dosen't make sense were try to stay far away from cities"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs then tries to punch sarahs shoulder with all his strength and speed

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah moves to the side, "Now why did you try that?"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: hdevor growls a little "my parents tought me its a strike for a strike that was for the lightning and don't you have to be 21 to fight during the bell period?

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"I am 21 years old, and I only hit you with it cause you didn't put me down when I asked."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "but you missed I shifted forms to avoid it"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged, "And you missed me when I moved. And who the hell are you an what are you?"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "my name is devor Iam a vamp and a were from another town where we have come to live in peace who are you?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Your a half breed, just like my sister new play toy is. And I'm Sarah Walker the mayor of Town Vamp's daughter."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at her "so what if I am a halfbreed I can do things you can't"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"I know that. I've seen only one today and now you."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "please take me to where you saw the other?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah pointed to the cafe called V cafe. "There and when the bell rang Shell took him somewhere."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "do you have any idea where they took him?" devor looks strange

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged,"Shell could have taken him anywhere in town."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "do you have any thing with shell's scent on it?" devor shifts to his wolf form but he looks just like a normal wolf with a black coat

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah made a face at the wolf,"Yes, I do." She pulled out Shell's gloves and dropped them on the ground.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor sniffs the gloves picking up the scent remembering it then shifts back to human form "thank you for the assistance" he then gives sarah a hug

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah dosen't move,"You know I'm really not the hugging type. I don't even let my family hug me."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles and squeezes her just enough so she know that he dosen't care about that "well then I guess I am lucky" he lets go then goes running foo the mountain tuning into a wolf fallowing the scent

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah ran after him, not wanting her kid sister with him.

Michelle got up and dragged Max to the sofa,"That's weird? I don't hear any fighting going on?" he frowned in her father's office.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: moves far faster then any wolf or were sarah had come across and end up where shell is in a matter of seconds returning to human form just slightly winded opening the door

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah followed him to the Town hall.

Michelle saw the door open.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor steps inside and looks around like he is relying more on his nose then his eyes he steps up to michell "where is the other one like me?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned,"Who are you? And why do you want Max for?"

Sarah came in and saw Devor talking to Shell and her new toy."It's okay Shell. He just want to talk to your new toy." she walked to her sister's side.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "my name is devor I am a halfbreed like max but I don't come from this town or even this area I am the one who stopped the fighting I couldn't stand the senseless fighting and killing"devor spit out the word halfbreed like poison

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned at her sister,"And you told him that we where hear?"

Sarah,"He tracked your scent with your gloves."

[We should wait for Max to be online, ok?]

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: [ok]
devor shrugs and then goes into his bat like form flying up on to the roof landing on the ceiling

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: [Im onlune ^^]

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor drops off the sealing

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: [Yay! But Max is still Michelle's dads office.]

Michelle looked at Max, with worry.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: [Oh I for got.. OK I'll change it, what did I miss really?]

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor returns to human form

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her and back to Michelle

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned at this new guy and sniffed, "Oh my god! You smell just like Max dose!" her face was shocked.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: he just stands there looking at max

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her and growled a bit, "You say that like I smell bad."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "well of course we smell alike some what we are of the same breed just different regions"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked back at Max, "No. I am just shocked because I've never met two half breeds before. And you don't smell bad to me Max"

Sarah shugged.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and looked at Devor, "I never met a nother one too."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor walks over to sarah and looks at her "do I smell bad to you?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugs and turns to Michelle, "Come on Shell, we're going home now."

Michelle frowned, "But...I don't want to Sarah." she gave her sister a puppy dog look.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned at the two

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor just smiles and gives sarah a hug

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah didn't move, "I swear if you keep hugging me I will kill you."

Michelle laughed at them so hard shehad tears in her eyes and couldn't breath.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max satrted laughed

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles and touches sarahs cheek "cheer up be thankful there is some one not completely terrified of you" he stepd back then talks to mak "what do you think should happen here?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle just ketped laughing.

Sarah frowned.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: MAx laughe more too

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor chuckles "guess Iam a riot"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle stops laughing, "No, it's just no one hugs Sarah and lives."

Sarah rolled her eyes.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "well that's the second time I have hugged her that is not counting when I picked her up and carried her into the sky"

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle giggled.

Sarah growled at Devor.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah walks to her father's goody cupboard and pulls out a bag of blood and bites it.

Michelle made a face at Sarah.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs and laughs a little

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max looked down and than to Devor, "So why where you looking for me?"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looks at Devor,"Yeah, why where you looking for him?" she frowned.

Sarah ketped drinking the blood bag.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "because your another like me and I have yet to find any that are outside my old village"

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max rasied an eyebrow, "You mean theres a hold village of our kind?"

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: "well not just our kind there are vamp and were there who live in complete peace"

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle's jaw dropped.

Sarah shugged and got another bag.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "I know lots of weres and vamps who do, like my mothers family and my fathers."

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle just ketped listening.

Sarah had finshed both bags ans she walked to her sister,"Come on Shell, let's go home."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "yea but this was an entire town damn humans attacking"

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and turned to Michelle, "You can come over my place if you want."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor turns into his wolf form and starts pacing the finds a nice place to curl up laying down

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled,"Yay! Thank you Max." she looked at Sarah,"Tell mom and dad I will be at Max's house okay?"

Sarah shugged,"Whatever Shell. Right I'm out of here. See ya later Shell." she walked out the room.

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled at her, "Cool dad will like you."
[Any one wanna be his dad?]

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor looked at him from his corner doing very good puppy dog eyes

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: Max, "You can come too Devor."

2009-10-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: [am not the dad]
Michelle frowned,"You sure your dad won't mine you bring a vamp home?"

Sarah walked out the room and back home.

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: devor jumps around like a dog normally would happy and exited "barks will stay in this form untill we get there cuz were leader may be mad at me ordered fighting to stop"

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: [Whould you dragon?]
Max laughed, "Im half vampire, of course not."

2009-10-27 [bronze dragon]: [sure I will do it]

2009-10-27 [WASHACKED]: [thanks ^^]

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